“How tall are your ceilings? I just want to know if mine are tall enough to add faux beams to as well”. This and/or some iteration of this question is received every time we do a faux beam project in any space. We have added faux beams on ceilings as tall as 10 feet and as low as 7. The end result in every case: the ceiling looks taller and the space feels warmer.
In these next few images you’ll see the before and afters of the many spaces we have added faux beams into.

All of these spaces and the faux beams in them are DIY utilizing a 3 sided mitered U design; and all of them require the same process. Outlined below:
- Choose your lumber
- Cut to size for your space *each beam requires 3 lengths of lumber
- Sand smooth, wipe clean and condition wood
- Miter the corners to fit the three pieces together in a tight U design
- Attach with wood glue and finish nails
- Apply wood putty to fill any gapping at joints if necessary
- Stain desired color
- Attach mounting blocks to ceiling
- Attach beam to mounting blocks
It really is that simple and an absolutely manageable DIY for someone comfortable with tools. I highly recommend faux beams for adding charm and character to almost any space. Lat us know if you have, or would, try this!