One year ago today we lost you. I will never forget every detail of that day, every furrow of your brow when you would hear us. You seemed to have a harder time catching your breath when you’d hear us crying. Like you were trying with every ounce of your strength to open your eyes […]

One Year Later…


I don’t like talking about money… in fact I hate it. BUT I have been asked a ton, and I mean A TON for a budget breakdown of this kitchen makeover. What did it cost? How much did you get sponsored versus how much did you actually spend? So I am going to break it […]

Kitchen Budget Breakdown


**This Post Contain Sponsored Content** Okay friends if you follow along on Instagram you know we just did a full kitchen remodel. I am finally sharing the before and after pics with you, plus sourcing all of the goodies from the makeover! But before we start let’s take that walk down memory lane I promised […]

Kitchen Remodel Before & After plus Sources


**This post contains sponsored content** We recently updated our master bedroom with delicious bedding from The Company Store and are madly in love (see that makeover HERE). We decided that we wanted to give our guests the same feeling of luxury and comfort in the bedding for their Summer stays with us. Which is why […]

A Summer Retreat for our Guests with The Company Store


I have been asked the question- Why IKEA? More times than I can count. That is why I have put together our IKEA, Semihandmade experience and review. The easiest answer however is- because of Semihandmade. Those gorgeous custom fronts had us at hello!! Okay-okay, maybe that is giving Semihandmade too much credit. Here is my […]

Our IKEA, Semihandmade Experience & Review


Spring is upon us and I of course got the itch to mix up the master bedroom but I did not want to go crazy or spend a ton, we just remodeled a kitchen for goodness sake. I quickly realized by simply changing out the bedding, hello the bed is the most dominant focal point, […]

Spring Bedroom Refresh with The Company Store


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